Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I miss summer!

Today as a random hail/snow storm hit, I got to thinking about how much I'm looking forward Spring and Summer.  Warm weather, vitamin D straight from the source, kids playing outside, trips to the beach and, of course, the neighborhood ice cream truck!  Although there is a store right down the street and we usually have ice cream of some sort in our fridge, I just can't help letting the kids get ice cream from the truck.  I think it is just a nostalgic thing...something I only occasionally experienced because we lived down a dirt road in a small waterfront community.  The ice cream never came down our way but I was always so jealous of my friends that heard that tell-tell music coming down their street often in the summer months.  I found a couple of shots of my kids from early fall when the ice cream "dealer" was on one of her last trips through before retiring for the winter.  Only a few short months until we hear the familiar tune again...yay!

Monday, January 31, 2011

My Dad...

How I would describe my Dad.. strong...full of energy...Godly...invincible...the head of our family...husband of 47 years...father to 3 girls...Papa to 9....cancer patient???  We found out last week that he has cancer in his esophagus and it hit our family like a mack truck.  What?  How can my dad be sick?  Although on the surface he looks great,  he has lost a little weight and has been dealing with an acid-reflux-like feeling for months. My sisters and I insisted on going with my parents to the oncologist today in order to ask all the hard questions and to get tests, etc. going.  Thankfully, his doctor is very proactive and positive about treatment options, although this is a tough cancer to treat.  We're waiting for blood test results and a PET scan on Wednesday.  I think the waiting is the worst part!  I love my Dad and I want him here for my children's graduations, weddings, etc.  Because this is a photography blog, here are a couple of pictures of the incredible, goofy, loving man that helped form me into the person I am today.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall has come!


Well, Fall has officially come here in Western Washington.  I'm not sure how I feel about that but I'm trying to make the best of it by looking for the beauty outside.  My son and I went on a nature exploration the other day and we found all kinds of interesting things to photograph.  We started out in the back yard and then headed over to my parent's place to check out the field and beach.  When we were getting back into the car to head home for lunch, I reached in my pocket because I felt something hot.  My phone was totally hot and felt like it was about to melt, so I quickly popped off the battery.  Then I reached in my packet again and was startled by movement and a pinching feeling.  I pulled out a tiny crab!  When I asked Pierce where it came from, he said that he put it there.  "I so sorry mama...I fought it was a rock..." Life with a boy!  The crab survived the ordeal but the phone did not.  Apparently, the crab produced enough moisture to fry my Blackberry!  Oi!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kayla's Senior Session

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of photographing a young lady that I've known for years through church and her parents.  Kayla is a senior and is graduating in a couple of weeks.  Here are a few photos from her session.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Little hints of Spring in the Northwest

We have been experiencing some pretty nasty weather here in the NW and I'm just about sick of it!  We're almost into June and we've had so many blustery days lately that you'd think it was November!  Yesterday, my son and I ventured outside to play and I was encouraged by the flowers blooming, the bees working and my son laughing.  Here are a few shots from our garden.  Enjoy!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Back from Vegas...back to the grind!

I just returned from a 3 day trip to Las Vegas with one of my best friends.  She paid for the whole trip as a gift for my 40th birthday.  I know...I'm spoiled, huh?!  We stayed at the Bellagio and we had a Lakeview room where we could see the whole fountain light show.  Shopping, relaxing, eating and going to a show were all we cared to do and it was a blast!  Now I'm back home and settling back into the "grind" of sessions and editing, but it's just the break I needed.  I feel refreshed and ready to go!  Plus, I just really missed my husband and kids.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Senior Portrait Sessions Galore!

Well, April and May have proven to be busy months for senior portraits.  A lot of parents are feeling the crunch before graduation because most people send out pictures in the announcements.  I've been swamped but I appreciate the fact that so many people come to me for their pictures.  Senior portraits are really a blast to shoot and I have been very blessed with meeting so many great kids!  Here are a few I've shot this past month.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful women in my life!  The day started out great for me--I was greeted with breakfast in bed made by my awesome husband.  Then Madison brought me in a card she made and flowers she picked for me.  She also helped her brother make me a card yesterday while I was shooting 3 senior sessions.  What a sweet girl!  Here is a picture I just snapped of the cards and flowers.  I love my kids!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Day two...Wow!

So I'm wondering if anyone else has the problem of their toddler/preschooler wanting to wear the same item of clothing every day.  My son insists on wearing his Buzz Lightyear jammie top every day and we have the full on melt down if I try to take it off.  Luckily we have two of them, but one is a 2T and looks more like a half shirt than a top.  Yeah, we're talking trailer park baby look!  Today, I talked him into putting a Star Wars shirt over the Buzz Lightyear.  I told him that his "lasers" and buttons were still seen on his arms and the rest of it would be a cool "secret".  Man, it took a good 20 minutes to convince him, but so far so good.

Here is a picture of Pierce wearing his Buzz Lightyear jammies/costume at Halloween.