Friday, May 7, 2010

Day two...Wow!

So I'm wondering if anyone else has the problem of their toddler/preschooler wanting to wear the same item of clothing every day.  My son insists on wearing his Buzz Lightyear jammie top every day and we have the full on melt down if I try to take it off.  Luckily we have two of them, but one is a 2T and looks more like a half shirt than a top.  Yeah, we're talking trailer park baby look!  Today, I talked him into putting a Star Wars shirt over the Buzz Lightyear.  I told him that his "lasers" and buttons were still seen on his arms and the rest of it would be a cool "secret".  Man, it took a good 20 minutes to convince him, but so far so good.

Here is a picture of Pierce wearing his Buzz Lightyear jammies/costume at Halloween.

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