Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall has come!


Well, Fall has officially come here in Western Washington.  I'm not sure how I feel about that but I'm trying to make the best of it by looking for the beauty outside.  My son and I went on a nature exploration the other day and we found all kinds of interesting things to photograph.  We started out in the back yard and then headed over to my parent's place to check out the field and beach.  When we were getting back into the car to head home for lunch, I reached in my pocket because I felt something hot.  My phone was totally hot and felt like it was about to melt, so I quickly popped off the battery.  Then I reached in my packet again and was startled by movement and a pinching feeling.  I pulled out a tiny crab!  When I asked Pierce where it came from, he said that he put it there.  "I so sorry mama...I fought it was a rock..." Life with a boy!  The crab survived the ordeal but the phone did not.  Apparently, the crab produced enough moisture to fry my Blackberry!  Oi!!

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